Design a Logo and Create a Tagline for 'Skill India'

Design a Logo and Create a Tagline for 'Skill India'
Start Date :
Mar 25, 2015
Last Date :
Apr 11, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

The newly formed Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE), has been entrusted with the responsibility of creating a sustainable skill ecosystem to serve as the ...

The newly formed Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE), has been entrusted with the responsibility of creating a sustainable skill ecosystem to serve as the backbone for the success of national projects like Make in India, Smart Cities, Digital India, Swachh Bharat, NamamiGange etc.

‘Skill India’ has been envisioned as the main driver of skill development for the nation’s workforce. Taking advantage of India’s demographic dividend which consists of a majority of youth, Skill India will Scale up Skilling with high Speed and Standards.

The vision for Skill India is - “To rapidly scale up skill development efforts in India, by creating an end-to-end, outcome-focused implementation framework, which aligns, the demands of the employers for a well-trained skilled workforce with the aspirations of Indian citizens for sustainable livelihoods.”

Thus, Skill India is focused on empowering the country’s youth by training them in skill sets of their choice which will enhance their employability and create more job possibilities for them at a national and a global level.

The main objectives are as follows:

• Build training capacity, esp. in the unorganised sector
• Ensure long-term skill training opportunities
• Establish benchmarked standards
• Develop a network of quality instructors
• Leverage existing public infrastructure
• Facilitate overseas employment
• Create pathways for transitioning between vocational and general education
• Support weaker/disadvantaged sections of society
• Maintain a national database, LMIS

Citizens of India are invited to design/suggest a suitable logo and a tagline for the ‘Skill India’ campaign that would reflect the spirit and objectives of skilling India.

The last date for submission is 10th April, 2015.

Cash Prize for winning logo: Rs. 50,000

Cash Prize for winning tagline: Rs. 30,000

Please click here for more information on Terms and Conditions.

Moderator for Task

Ms. Shivi Anand,
Consultant, MSDE
e-mail id:

Under Review
Showing 682 Submission(s)
TEJASANKAR GADIREDDI 9 years 5 months ago

Tagline for Skill India "भारत KA योग्यता लोग KA प्रतिभा"
imran bagwan 9 years 5 months ago

Design a Logo and Create a Tagline for 'Skill India
The sky blue color represents the sky is limit towards your skill, by using our Flag color represents our Nation, by using symbol of education, technology & finical growth represent “SKILL INDIA”. In the logo punch line is “LEARN PERFORM EARN”

skill india logo_30