Essay Writing Competition for Smart City Shivamogga

Essay Writing Competition for Smart City Shivamogga
Start Date :
Sep 28, 2015
Last Date :
Oct 31, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

For making Shivamogga City as SMART CITY all Citizens or Stakeholders are invited to participate in Essay Writing Competition. ...

For making Shivamogga City as SMART CITY all Citizens or Stakeholders are invited to participate in Essay Writing Competition.

Your Essay to have following templates:

1. Topic (Max 25 Words)

2. What is Top Priority Area/Idea for Making Shivamogga City as Smart city (in Max 150 Words)

3. Why is it important for city (Shivamogga City)? (Max 150 Word)

4. What is your smart solution to implement your Idea (Max 200 Words)

The Top 5 Essays will be awarded as:

a) 1st Prize(One)– Cash Incentive of Rs. 25000 /- (Twenty five Thousand only)

b) 2nd Prize(One) – Cash Incentive of Rs.20000 /- (Twenty Thousand only)

c) 3rd Prize(One) – Cash Incentive of Rs. 15000 /- (Fifteen Thousand only)

d) 4th Prize(One) – Cash Incentive of Rs. 10000 /- (Ten Thousand only)

e) 5th Prize (Six)– Cash Incentive of Rs. 5000 /- (Five Thousand only) each.

The Competition shall be closed on 30th October, 2015.

Terms and Conditions

1. The winner shall be chosen on the basis of Innovative and Actionable idea and creativity.

2. The decision of Shivamogga City Corporation for selecting the winner shall be treated as Final.

Under Review
Showing 96 Submission(s)
Incubator PESCE 8 years 10 months ago

3. Why is it important for city (Shivamogga City)? (Max 150 Word)
Shivamogga city needs to be developed as Smart for the following reasons:
- The city has a great natural landscape surrounded by a good green cover which makes it ideal for making it a sustainable one
Incubator PESCE 8 years 10 months ago

- Create awareness amongst the citizens with special emphasis on younger generation including school children to inculcate a culture of making the city sustainable
- Use of Information & Communication technologies (ICT) and Internet of Things (IoT) to improve the delivery of existing services on a continuous basis
- Effective methods for waste management
- Being blessed with good water resources, identify ways to improve agriculture and promote agro-based industries which will help farmers
Incubator PESCE 8 years 10 months ago

Shivamogga Reloaded - A Sustainable City for the Future Generation
2. What is Top Priority Area/Idea for Making Shivamogga City as Smart city (in Max 150 Words)
The major thrust areas for making Shivamogga city as Smart city are as follows:
- Active citizen participation with emphasis on accountability and transparency
- Adopt green solutions to make the city sustainable for the future generation
- Focus on job creation in the areas of Tourism, Information Technology (IT) and Manufacturing

DV ROHAN 8 years 10 months ago

I will like to share my views and ideas about smart city Shimoga, as best as possible in my pdf